Arts & Culture in Ward 3

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on Arts and Culture. As the sitting Councillor for ward 6 I have worked closely with Debra Soule in the City's Ec. Dev. Dept. on several heritage issues, including Downtown Redevelopment, and the designation of Oak St. in Fenelon Falls as a Heritage District, I am currently a Council representative of the Downtown Revitalization Committee. In addition I sit on the Board of both Maryboro Lodge, the Fenelon Museum, which is a heritage building as well I am on the Board of The Fenelon Cemetery.

In terms of my arts involvement, I have been a supporter of The Lindsay Art Gallery, on many issues that have come to council. In addition I work with the group Fenelon Live, whose mandate is to bring Live Performances to our area, an example of a recent success was Simcoe Day and the 1812/14 re-enactment. Also, I am working with a group who wants to bring live outdoor theater performances to the area, and I also work with a group that wants Public Art displays on the street, an example are the hangings on the Fenelon Bridge, and finally, I have long supported the Fenelon Art Gallery and their very important festival held on Labour Day weekend.

I hope this gives you some insight into the contributions I have tried to make to the local, Arts, Heritage and Culture activities and structures in our area.